Strut Cards / Counter Cards

Pair of counter cards

Strut cards are perfect for on-shelf or counter displays and can be used to add colour to a display, boosting the visibility of a short-term promotion. Strut cards are printed on a high gloss mounted onto a 2mm card with a lockable strut glued onto the back. The price list below is for standard A2,… Read More Strut Cards / Counter Cards

Print Advertising Materials Used At Posterboy

This post’s title speaks for itself: today we’re going to give you a quick run through the main stocks we use, from a technical and eco perspective. These stocks are all environmentally responsible, most of them certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), and we’ve included links… Read More Print Advertising Materials Used At Posterboy

Sweeping changes in sustainable paper production

Here at Posterboy Printing we’re pretty passionate about sustainable business practices and protecting the environment. As a printing company, it comes as no surprise that one of the biggest products used in our industry is paper – and let’s face it, paper has had a pretty chequered history when it comes to sustainable production practices.… Read More Sweeping changes in sustainable paper production

Strut-card notepads

If you’re not in the printing industry the words “strut cards” probably mean nothing to you. What are they? They’re self-standing display cards produced in thick, 2mm heavyweight cardboard, usually as an A4 or A5 size. These are great counter-top or shelf advertisements for your business and better yet they can be produced so a… Read More Strut-card notepads

Categorized as Strut Cards

Anti-curl Corflute strut cards

Anti Curl Coreflute Strut Cards Corflute, or signflute strut cards are a great solution for strut cards that will be on display for a long time, or are on display in a hot or humid environment. The panels of cardboard. or foamcore showcards are prone to a slight curling over time as the material is… Read More Anti-curl Corflute strut cards

How To Assemble A Strut Card

This is a brief overview of the production method for standard strut cards. This is what we do day to day when producing strut cards for our clients.   I’ve done a 2 minute video on youtube.   Step 1: Card Preparation We need to get the card/screenbaord ready, and we do that by applying… Read More How To Assemble A Strut Card

Strut Card Your Way to Sales

When it comes to maximising your sales figures in the most cost effective way, you can’t go past the persuasive point of sales powerhouse that is the Strut Card. In today’s climate of retail marketing, visual merchandising has become far more than simply ‘dressing dummies’, or having an ‘open/closed’ sign on an outlet’s door. Instead, it… Read More Strut Card Your Way to Sales

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