Anti-curl Corflute strut cards

April 27, 2017

Anti Curl Coreflute Strut Cards

Corflute, or signflute strut cards are a great solution for strut cards that will be on display for a long time, or are on display in a hot or humid environment.

The panels of cardboard. or foamcore showcards are prone to a slight curling over time as the material is porous and slowly absorbs moisture, distorting the shape. The curl can be quiet subtle, or occasionally quite pronounced. Coreflute is not a porous material, and so is not vulnerable to this kind of wear and tear.

Corflute strut card
Corflute strut card

The same cardboard locking rudder piece is used on the back, and the print is either mounted on the front, the same as the more popular cardboard counter card, or if the quantity allows, we can direct print on the coreflute. Resolution tests on the direct print option have shown that fonts as small as 6 point are perfectly legible, so there is no need to worry about that if you are including some terms and conditions on your artwork design. The ribs of the signflute are more visible with the direct print solution, as the mounted paper generally conceals them.

Corflute strut card
Corflute strut card

Coreflute is also very safe to clean, so if you are sending them into a potentially humid, or greasy environment, like a mechanics, then a coreflute strut card could be a good choice for you. They can take a bit more punishment than their foamboard and cardboard brothers.

Order Here

Check out our prices below.

Corflute Strut Card Price List


Quantity Cost 
1 to 10 $12 + GST Each
15 $144+ GST
20 $168 + GST
30 $216+ GST
50 $312+ GST
100 $495+ GST


Quantity Cost 
1 to 10 $15 + GST Each
15 $173 + GST
20 $202 + GST
30 $260 + GST
40 $317 + GST
50 $378 + GST
100 $695 + GST


Quantity Cost
1 to 10 $17 + GST Each
15 $226 + GST
20 $270 + GST
30 $360 + GST
40 $450 + GST
50 $546 + GST
100 $1,010 + GST


Quantity Cost per unit
1 to 9 $45 + GST Each

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