Business Card Review: Gladesville Guitar Factory

December 1, 2014
Gold Foil Business Cards
Gold Foil Business Cards

Gladesville Guitar Factory Business Cards

This is a beautiful design for a number of reasons. It is completely congruent with their website and with the store when you walk in. There is a lot of polished timber and chrome in the guitars, and shop fittings in the store. They are a high-quality boutique store and this card says that. The card stock is a 400gsm high bulk, with matt celloglaze on both sides. What really sets this off is the gold foiling of the logo. The matt cello really makes the gloss foil bounce. This flashy branding side contrasts with the understated details side. Great design, very classy. Designer Matt Heath put the card and the website together.

Please check out our business card price list for the more popular styles of business card, or contact us if you want to do something bespoke.

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