This Map Shows 2016 Australian Election Results House of Representatives

July 15, 2016




Data Source is  ABC Federal Election results and SMH Federal Election Results. The ABC site has more in depth data, not least of which is that even though the Coalition won, the Labor party actually got more votes.

As interesting as electorate maps are it really comes down to who is in the House of Representatives.  I couldn’t find one of these floor plan maps so I thought I’d do one myself. There was such a big swing against the Coalition I included that data in the floor map below with blue dots on red squares and a red dot on a blue square.

Elections are a big deal in the printing industry as they pump a lot of money into the industry. All those hand outs and coreflute signs come from one print shop or another. Though this federal election the spend on print was lower that usual, and both parties have been steadily reducing their spend on print.

At time of writing this article the final contested seat was 89% counted and the Coalition had 56.2% of the votes, so it is expected to win it’s 77th seat. Live feed of this count here.


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