It was a busy day at Westfield Miranda, and I had trouble getting shots without people in them. The visual merchandisers, shop fitters, and marketers working for the stores occupying the newly renovated sections of the centre have really upped their game. There were a lot of cutting edge displays, both permanent and short term. The shopfitting at the Windsor Smith, and Nixon stores was impressive.
The real standout for me was the Merrell store. Their shopfront made full use of current printing technology and their marketing team has built a layered display. On the outside of the glass is the classic message decal, though cut to a unique eye-catching shape using bold colours, as well as a grass texture decal along the bottom. There are profile cut boulders, held upright by struts on the back, and with little built-in shelves, doubtless a simple hole and peg system, holding the sandals within the display. The centrepiece is a hanging image of a couple lounging in a canoe, again profile cut from foamboard. Backing it up is a water texture on a hanging banner. It’s a very impressive display that shows an excellent understanding of print production. The cutouts aren’t huge and would probably have fit on a single sheet, and neither the banner or the stickers are particularly huge. I would imagine the print cost was fairly modest, though freighting the cutouts wouldn’t have been cheap.
Topshop was also a standout. They have fitted the structural columns with lightboxes or illuminated banners. The signs use fabric banner prints rather than the more common plastic or film material. I’m not sure why they chose to go with this kind of material in particular, possibly it’s an aesthetic choice, a fabric finish is more congruent in a garment store. It could also be a shopfitting choice from a manufacturing lightboxes so big. I’m not sure of the cost comparison, between fabric printing and film printing, though I do know there are more film printers out there. Still, I thought it was very effective, and gives them the ability to make fundamental changes to the appearance of the store for each season. Now all of the rest in no particular order.
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