Visual Merchandising shop Front Westfield Liverpool 2016 July

April 1, 2016

Mid year sales are running all over retail bricks and mortar right now.

There are some amazing discounts in most area’s. I took advantage myself and grabbed a few new items while taking these photos.

Connor and Tarocash went hard with some bright spot colours and big posters. EB Games did a lot of print this season.

These photos are in no particular order.


Westfield Liverpool Tarocash


Westfield Liverpool Supre

Spendless Shoes

Westfield Liverpool Spendless Shoes
Shaver Shop

Westfield Liverpool Shaver Shop
Ruben F Scarf

Westfield Liverpool Ruben F Scarf

RDX Roger David

Westfield Liverpool RDX Roger David

Pumpkin Patch

Westfield Liverpool Pumpkin Patch



Peter Jacksons

Westfield Liverpool Peter Jackson

Peter Alexander

Westfield Liverpool Peter Alexander
Noni B

Westfield Liverpool Noni B
Just Jeans

Westfield Liverpool Just Jeans

Jon Kell

Westfield Liverpool Jon Kell

Johnny Bigg

Westfield Liverpool Johnny
Jay Jay’s

Westfield Liverpool Jay Jays

Forever 21

Westfield Liverpool Forever 21
EB Games



Westfield Liverpool Dotti

Cotton On Body

Westfield Liverpool Cotton On Body


Westfield Liverpool Connor

Betts For Her

Westfield Liverpool Betts For Her

Bag Scene

Westfield Liverpool Bag Scene



Westfield Liverpool YD

William The Shoeman

Westfield Liverpool Williams

Veronika Maine

Westfield Liverpool Veronika Maine
Urban Equipment

Westfield Liverpool Urban Equipment
Indie Kids

In Sport

Westfield Liverpool In Sport

Ice Design

Westfield Liverpool Ice Design

Guess Jeans

Westfield Liverpool Guess Jeans

Goldmark Jewellers

Westfield Liverpool Gold Mark

General Pants

Westfield Liverpool General Pants

Forever New

Westfield Liverpool Forever New

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