Ways to Use Print in a Pilates Studio

July 1, 2021
QR code follow to video
QR code follow to video

I joined David from the Pilates Business podcast recently, and we talked about a few specific ways to use print in a pilates studio setting.

One of the ideas I suggested was using business card size prints with QR codes that link to instructional videos about specific exercises. If a client need to work at home on a particular exercise or routine, send them home with this card, that they can use the QR code to access the video via a device at home.

Best practice with QR codes is the following

Plain english description of what it will do. For example “Follow to view the video”
An icon or logo that communcates the category of link it is, for example a URL icon, a YouTube logo
Shortcode/ short url of the video address because not everyone will want to access the video via their phone.

Of course this will involve you creating the digital asset to link to in the first place, and that is a whole other kettle of fish. But it will be an asset that you can continue to benefit from. Create the video, post it to YouTube. If you’re not great at writing, talk through the exercise and explain what you are doing, then play the video through the free online transcription software otter.io. It will transcribe your words, a quick edit to tidy it up and you’ve got the copy for a blog post.  Embed the YouTube video into the blog post.

Use one of the many free qr code generators to create a link to the Youtube video, or the blog post, or both. Print that onto a business card and have it ready to hand out

That one vidoe asset will give you presence on YouTube, a blog post, both of which will do well on Google searches, and a tactile marketing asset you can hand to people as they walk out with their towel and drink bottle after the workout.

One of the great capabilities of print is that it is easily shared, especially within a household. That card will be cared for, and put in a place of prominence for easy access. Other household members will see, and it may be given to a friend or colleague that is suffering like your client is/was.

David mentions getting flyers onto fridges. Fridges are highly trafficed areas in every household. Items put onto fridges are seen multiple times a day by every household member. Where an email sent to a person is only seen by that person, a flyer, particlarly one that will go onto a fridge will be seen by every person in that household.

Gyms, pilates studios, martial arts academys, art schools, really any business model that runs regular classes have an excellent opportunity in timetables. It always surprises me when I am looking into taking classes at how hard it is to find the timetable sometimes. As a prospective student/customer, it’s the first thing I want to know, and the thing I will refer to most frequently. Investing in a timetable that has a magnet on it, and will end up on a fridge is a great idea. A timetable is very useful for people attending your classes, particularly if they are taking kids to the classes. Then if they lapse from the class as David discusses, the timetable will be there keeping your business front of mind until they are ready to start attending again.


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