According to, 75% of purchasing decisions are made in-store, and of this 75%, more than 1/3 of the purchasing decisions are made solely due to packaging. Therefore, it doesn’t matter that your product is the best on the market, if your packaging and label doesn’t reflect this, it’s unlikely to be purchased.
So, when it comes to nailing your products label, what’s the secret formula to creating a design that will have you laughing all the way to the bank? There isn’t one! Well, not a ‘one size fits all’ one anyway. Your brand, product, and target audience are the key factors to keep in mind when developing labels that kick butt.
Regardless of the above listed elements, nailing the following components will ensure you design the ideal packaging.
Express Yourself
Deciding on what you want your customers to feel when they engage with your brand or product is of great importance. To make the design process easier, try picking 2 emotions you would like to invoke in your target market that reflect the brands personality.
Get Straight to the Point
Introducing potential customers to the story behind your brand, and why your product will amplify their lives is vital, but it needs to be done in less than 7 words. Why? That’s the average amount of text a customer will read once you’ve gotten their attention.
Make Poignant Palette Choices
The colours you choose to communicate your brand will largely depend on your product, target market, and price point. For example, for a luxury clothing label, you’re not likely to use bright, primary colours.
Paying attention to the branding colour choices of your competitors is always a good idea – honing in on a point of difference can make you stand out from the crowd.
Consistency is Key
Once you’ve settled on your design and colours, its best practice to use them across your entire product range. This will catalyse brand recognition and encourage them to repurchase, which leads to brand loyalty.
While there is hard and fast rule when it comes to creating labels that will do all the selling for you, creating a custom design that embodies your brand’s story and personality is integral to success. Are you ready to kick-start your brand’s recognition and design a flawless custom label? Contact me for professional design advice and competitive printing prices on