How to Shape Meaning In Displays

July 15, 2015
Custom shapes shopfront
Custom shapes shopfront

Despite what you may think, shapes can be an extremely effective and powerful way of communicating messages to customers in a retail environment. Have you ever seen a display in store with great symmetry, different levels, and a seamless incorporation of retail marketing material? While it may look effortless and easy to create, a great deal of thought has gone into every last detail. You see, a variety of facets would have been taken into consideration to create the desired seamless effect.

One of the biggest components that would have been considered is shape. Why? Because different shapes elicit different emotions from our subconscious, and each person will therefore have a dissimilar reaction to different shapes. Take a look around – we are surrounded by shapes. When it comes to marketing in a retail environment, choosing the right shape for marketing messages and displays is a critical element of the design process. This is because it has the power to either enhance or detract from the message that you’re looking to communicate.

Visual merchandisers and retail marketers use different shapes to:

  • Add dimension, texture and create movement/flow
  • Create and communicate themes, moods, and emotions
  • Symbolise various ideas
  • Emphasise and draw attention to different points of interest


The meaning behind the different shapes and use of lines:


These are considered to be more of a masculine shape, and are often used to symbolise science, law, or discovery.

In addition to shapes, line types can also affect how messages are perceived in the subconscious mind.

Squares and rectangles

Shapes that are constructed of straight edges and 90° angles are used to suggest a sense of strength, professionalism, balance, and efficiency. When bold and lively colours are used, a message of strength, creativity, and positivity is usually being communicated.

Circles, ovals and spheres

These are considered as the more wholesome of shapes, and therefore convey a positive emotional message. Generally speaking, these shapes are considered to be more feminine, and are usually used to create a sense of unity, love, and friendship by brands.

Horizontal lines

These are usually used to instil a sense of serenity, balance, and peacefulness.

Vertical lines

These tend be seen as more assertive, direct and strong.

When used in a marketing or merchandising sense, shapes and lines have the power to convey different messages to individuals. They are able to guide your perception of a brand, business, or person, and can be an influential communication tool.

Do you need a creative hand in executing the vision and purpose of your business?  Contact us for information on how we can help you shape your messages and materials.

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